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Ōrākei Arts (formally named Ōrākei Creative) is initiated by the Ōrākei Local Board as a way to encourage and empower local arts experiences. The Ōrākei arts broker assists in the process of producing, promoting and connecting people to participate in the arts at a local level. Activities include public events, creative workshops, installations, cultural performances, concerts, participation in arts & crafts and theatrical performances. If you are interested in accessing our support for your project, we can help in a number of ways. Sometimes discussing your idea helps clarify how it can work and help put you in touch with likeminded people, we can also help you to get financial resources, either by funding it through the Ōrākei arts broker scheme, or through helping you access regional arts funds.

We’ll be updating this website with a local directory of organisations and venues, let us know if your organisation or group would like to be listed here too. You can see the kinds of projects Ōrākei Creative have supported in the past on the Facebook page.

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Support for community arts projects

Ōrākei Arts works on a project-by-project basis, helping you to produce events or ideas that are embedded in the community. You don’t need to be a professional artist, there are many forms of art that enrich our lives as a participant or an observer. We support all sorts of projects that reflect the diverse nature of the area. 

Ōrākei includes the suburbs of Glendowie, St Heliers, Kohimarama, Mission Bay, Ōrākei, Meadowbank, St Johns, Stonefields, Glen Innes, Ellerslie, Remuera. Check the map to see if you in the Ōrākei Local Board area. 


We support all sorts of activities, including but not limited to - art exhibitions, public events, theatre and dance performances, creative workshops, music events, youth workshops, kapa haka, performance art. 


How We Can Help


Conversations are always the best way to start, we want to understand what your idea is and what kind of support you need. We can connect you with creative people or organisations that can help, we can help you get the right venue for an arts event, we can also help with council  applications and permits if necessary, and help get the word out via social media or other networks. Ideas all start in different places, we’re here to help bring them to life.

Ōrākei Arts supports projects that aim to:

•           celebrate local stories from the past and present
•           create community through art activities for the public
•           connect creative and cultural workers to our communities
•           Support a sustainable local creative economy
•           bring local arts experiences into the places we live and work


How to apply?

We use an Expression of Interest process to kick the conversation off. This helps us understand who, what and how your project will take form. You don’t have to be great at writing applications, you can make a video or record your voice, the idea is most important. Or you can ask for assistance to fill out the online form.

You can find a link to the expression of interest form on the Funding Page.

Introduce yourself to the arts broker at any stage, the more we understand the sooner we can get into a conversation about it.

INTRODUCING - Arts Broker Stephen Bain


Stephen Bain is the new arts broker for Ōrākei. He has worked in the arts for years as a creator and as an administrator, from organising festivals to producing and touring performing arts shows and events. His professional background is in the performing arts (theatre, performance art and contemporary dance), more recently he has been working with community arts groups and public space environments to create experiences for people young and old. You can get hold of Stephen by email at

All queries welcome. We want to know more about how local arts opportunities can enrich your daily life.

Ōrākei Community Arts

Making Ōrākei a better place to live and work, connecting community through the arts.

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